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108 ways to find referrals
100 Crazy and not so Crazy ways to find Referrals

  1. Post your reflink on forums / blogs / sites where are allowed.
  2. Tell to your friens, family or just scream your refflink to everyone.
  3. Use for changing your reflink.
  4. Go door to door in your neighborhood, in the day please don't wake up people.
  5. Walk by parking areas and place flyers en the cars.
  6. Make a Blog, place your reflink and make the people sing in.
  7. Keep your reflink as your sing, in the forums.
  8. Find chatrooms and goups like "make easy money”
  9. Make adverts, for free or pay for them, really work.
  10. Talk to students, tell them if they do a good job in the ptc sites don't need to study anymore.
  11. Place a flyers in your work.
  12. Make a flayer with your reflink and place it in your car.
  13. Place your reflink at the end of your youtube videos.
  14. Add a txt in a rar that you can upload it and share to everyone.
  15. Flyers on comerces.
  16. Send the info of your reflink via mailing list.
  17. Get a bot/macro to post your reflink with a small explanation in any server
  18. Make a webpage.
  19. Say to people on messenger or PM
  20. Interchange links
  21. Pay Adverts in other webs
  22. Advertise in online games.
  23. Print Busines cards with your reflink on it
  24. Buy "paid to sign up” in Others PTC
  25. Buy an expired Domain to had many visits and redirect it to your refflink (this is a good way to have visits)
  26. Buy banner spaces.
  27. Buy text links on blogs / forums / groups
  28. Offer effective or other incentives by usbscription
  29. ADD your reflink to the name of an MP3, Video, Program and share it via "file-sharing", torrent, etc
  30. Free traffic interchange.
  31. Pay for traffic interchange.
  32. Google Adwords (make links on websites to your refflink)
  33. Say that the winnings is in dollars :)
  34. Rent a billboard (Aprox. $8-$15 a day)
  35. make a tatoo with your reflink, if is possible in your HEAD (looks better)
  36. Go door to door and say to all people
  37. Add your site / blog to digg, stumble upon, Bumpzee,, etc
  38. Make a friend and digg your site/blog a digg, stumble, etc
  39. Make a shirt with your reflink
  40. make radio advertising
  41. Place an information desk in front of your work
  42. Keep your reflink as sing of yours emails
  43. Sings and banners on the street
  44. Offer sing in by CashCrate with the option to play a funny online game
  45. Get up your site to have better ranking
  46. ADD regular content to your site or blog, keep it with new information
  47. In your banners or images use the tag as your reflink
  48. Place an economic ad or free in the employment search pages
  49. Make a fake wallet and place money with your refflink (i don't recommend this, i only place real payment proof)
  50. Place ads that say "free money"
  51. Make an EBOOK on auction in Ebay with your reflink and aditional info
  52. Before buy something on ebay, place your refflink as a question.
  53. Send emails to all your contacts, say to subscribe with your reflink.
  54. Tell to the parents in your kid school
  55. Say on MySpace, Friendster, Facebook that you are making money thanks to "your refflink".
  56. Asociate members and online friends
  57. Make a sing to share on mailboxes
  58. Sing in virtual business and list your blog o refflink under make money page
  59. Make many friends on myspace y dedicate an space to your blog or refflink
  60. Let busines cards with your refflink on shopping cars
  61. Place a flyer with your refflink on bulleting stores
  62. Go to Library and let business cards on the books, etc.
  63. Place business cards in hotel rooms, restrooms and cofee shops.
  64. Use your reflink as your name in counter strike and other online games.
  65. Send text msj. with your refflink (no mater if you don't know the people begin in number 01 and end in 99999999999).
  66. Make a tag to your CashCrate with the link to your blog or linklist.
  67. Place a user in-game, short your link or reflink.
  68. Let a sing in the corners of the streets.
  69. make a song about this... when u do it please share it with me...
  70. Place your reflink as a comment on PS3.
  71. Make sure that they know that the site is not SCAM and that is free for sing in, that don't need credit card numbers and no other confidential info.
  72. Sing in on where you get reff. by been a reff of other members.
  73. Print fake cheqs and let them on public places
  74. You can say in banners and advets... "You loose money.. you can get it back in (place here your refflink)"
  75. Sold or gift cheap products with your refflink
  76. Make an ads in Craigslist
  77. Make a plain pilot write your refflink on the sky.
  78. Place business cards in the entrance of the credit cards
  79. Make cards that say "Valid to sing in free on "your reflink"
  80. Buy a package of CD's or DVDs and make that runs a txt with your refflink and gift them
  81. Print cards on
  82. Find pens, pencil, papers, etc with your reflink.
  83. Begin online games free and let your banner in any of them.
  84. Place the reflink in your car and make ride all days :).
  85. Use your refflink as your name in msn.
  86. Place your refflink in cars of employments conventions.
  87. Place a paper in the advert section of restaurants, coffes, cybers, etc
  88. trick people to sing in
  89. Say "if u sing in and write on forum you can see a monkey dancing"
  90. Make a stamp and place in cards, papers, etc
  91. Say that you will help them when they been your referrals.
  92. Write an article.
  93. Paint your reflink on the street.
  94. "promote” yourself with a familiar name on forums
  95. Reserve on festivals an fairs.. and place a laptop with wifi to the people can test the system and subscribe them (some PTC sites will ban all members from the same sing in computer)
  96. Make Cross-link with your site, blog, articles, posts y classified.
  97. Make shoes full of ink and to have your refflink on bottom and walk for every where
  98. Open an store that have as name your reflink
  99. Make calls to all people on the Guide (not in night please, i tell u for experience ;) )
  100. Gift Porn Videos with your refflink.
  101. Place in your front door your refflink
  102. Make a banner that say: "My life is better now thanks to (your refflink)"
  103. If u have a frind that appears on TV, give him a sticker with your refflink
  104. Name to your first baby as your refflink.
  105. Place on newspaper ads that says "(Any name) Dies Because make alot of money in (your refflink)"
  106. Gift basseball balls with your refflink to kids in the streets, you can place too "repair windows with money that you can make on (your refflink)"
  107. Make a virus that display your reflink every 5 minutes on the screen.
  108. When you make a deposit in the bank let a card with your reflink in the money and in the place of the deposit forms.

Category: Tips for MMO | Added by: u2655946 (2013-01-19) | Author: Karol Copper E W
Views: 695 | Rating: 0.0/0
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