108 ways to find referrals
100 Crazy and not so Crazy ways to find Referrals
- Post your reflink on forums / blogs / sites where are allowed.
- Tell to your friens, family or just scream your refflink to everyone.
- Use dot.tk for changing your reflink.
- Go door to door in your neighborhood, in the day please don't wake up people.
- Walk by parking areas and place flyers en the cars.
- Make a Blog, place your reflink and make the people sing in.
- Keep your reflink as your sing, in the forums.
- Find chatrooms and goups like "make easy money”
- Make adverts, for free or pay for them, really work.
- Talk to students, tell them if they do a good job in the ptc sites don't need to study anymore.
- Place a flyers in your work.
- Make a flayer with your reflink and place it in your car.
- Place your reflink at the end of your youtube videos.
- Add a txt in a rar that you can upload it and share to everyone.
- Flyers on comerces.
- Send the info of your reflink via mailing list.
- Get a bot/macro to post your reflink with a small explanation in any server
- Make a webpage.
- Say to people on messenger or PM
- Interchange links
- Pay Adverts in other webs
- Advertise in online games.
- Print Busines cards with your reflink on it
- Buy "paid to sign up” in Others PTC
- Buy an expired Domain to had many visits and redirect it to your refflink (this is a good way to have visits)
- Buy banner spaces.
- Buy text links on blogs / forums / groups
- Offer effective or other incentives by usbscription
- ADD your reflink to the name of an MP3, Video, Program and share it via "file-sharing", torrent, etc
- Free traffic interchange.
- Pay for traffic interchange.
- Google Adwords (make links on websites to your refflink)
- Say that the winnings is in dollars :)
- Rent a billboard (Aprox. $8-$15 a day)
- make a tatoo with your reflink, if is possible in your HEAD (looks better)
- Go door to door and say to all people
- Add your site / blog to digg, stumble upon, Bumpzee, del.icio.us, etc
- Make a friend and digg your site/blog a digg, stumble, etc
- Make a shirt with your reflink
- make radio advertising
- Place an information desk in front of your work
- Keep your reflink as sing of yours emails
- Sings and banners on the street
- Offer sing in by CashCrate with the option to play a funny online game
- Get up your site to have better ranking
- ADD regular content to your site or blog, keep it with new information
- In your banners or images use the tag as your reflink
- Place an economic ad or free in the employment search pages
- Make a fake wallet and place money with your refflink (i don't recommend this, i only place real payment proof)
- Place ads that say "free money"
- Make an EBOOK on auction in Ebay with your reflink and aditional info
- Before buy something on ebay, place your refflink as a question.
- Send emails to all your contacts, say to subscribe with your reflink.
- Tell to the parents in your kid school
- Say on MySpace, Friendster, Facebook that you are making money thanks to "your refflink".
- Asociate members and online friends
- Make a sing to share on mailboxes
- Sing in virtual business and list your blog o refflink under make money page
- Make many friends on myspace y dedicate an space to your blog or refflink
- Let busines cards with your refflink on shopping cars
- Place a flyer with your refflink on bulleting stores
- Go to Library and let business cards on the books, etc.
- Place business cards in hotel rooms, restrooms and cofee shops.
- Use your reflink as your name in counter strike and other online games.
- Send text msj. with your refflink (no mater if you don't know the people begin in number 01 and end in 99999999999).
- Make a tag to your CashCrate with the link to your blog or linklist.
- Place a user in-game, short your link or reflink.
- Let a sing in the corners of the streets.
- make a song about this... when u do it please share it with me...
- Place your reflink as a comment on PS3.
- Make sure that they know that the site is not SCAM and that is free for sing in, that don't need credit card numbers and no other confidential info.
- Sing in on www.getref.com where you get reff. by been a reff of other members.
- Print fake cheqs and let them on public places
- You can say in banners and advets... "You loose money.. you can get it back in (place here your refflink)"
- Sold or gift cheap products with your refflink
- Make an ads in Craigslist
- Make a plain pilot write your refflink on the sky.
- Place business cards in the entrance of the credit cards
- Make cards that say "Valid to sing in free on "your reflink"
- Buy a package of CD's or DVDs and make that runs a txt with your refflink and gift them
- Print cards on vistaprint.com
- Find pens, pencil, papers, etc with your reflink.
- Begin online games free and let your banner in any of them.
- Place the reflink in your car and make ride all days :).
- Use your refflink as your name in msn.
- Place your refflink in cars of employments conventions.
- Place a paper in the advert section of restaurants, coffes, cybers, etc
- trick people to sing in
- Say "if u sing in and write on forum you can see a monkey dancing"
- Make a stamp and place in cards, papers, etc
- Say that you will help them when they been your referrals.
- Write an article.
- Paint your reflink on the street.
- "promote” yourself with a familiar name on forums
- Reserve on festivals an fairs.. and place a laptop with wifi to the people can test the system and subscribe them (some PTC sites will ban all members from the same sing in computer)
- Make Cross-link with your site, blog, articles, posts y classified.
- Make shoes full of ink and to have your refflink on bottom and walk for every where
- Open an store that have as name your reflink
- Make calls to all people on the Guide (not in night please, i tell u for experience ;) )
- Gift Porn Videos with your refflink.
- Place in your front door your refflink
- Make a banner that say: "My life is better now thanks to (your refflink)"
- If u have a frind that appears on TV, give him a sticker with your refflink
- Name to your first baby as your refflink.
- Place on newspaper ads that says "(Any name) Dies Because make alot of money in (your refflink)"
- Gift basseball balls with your refflink to kids in the streets, you can place too "repair windows with money that you can make on (your refflink)"
- Make a virus that display your reflink every 5 minutes on the screen.
- When you make a deposit in the bank let a card with your reflink in the money and in the place of the deposit forms.
Category: Tips for MMO | Added by: u2655946 (2013-01-19)
| Author: Karol Copper E W
Views: 695
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